Seaside Radio

Seaside Radio Episode Eight



Just in time ! Its a Seaside Radio, themed episode for various scary holidays like Halloween, Day of the Dead, All Hallows Eve and Squidface Day. This episode was correlated and dispatched by two of our washroom interns so be nice. This week we hear from the Seaside Children's Hospital who unfortunately used Sydney Gold and Jill Gold for their ‘Sick Kids Halloween Variety Special’ that was eventually cancelled and saw charges lady against both Sydney and Jill. We catch the popular poor parenting program Minimum Dad. Fun Fact the title Theme was performed by The Seats! For those with car problems why not visit the Holistic Mechanic, he isn’t very scary unless your in a hurry to get your car back or your generally worried about road safety. There is a community announcement from tv star Tawny Frogmouth whose passion for clean popliteal fossae is still generally scary to kids, even the kid actors who work on his community announcements We have music too!!! Seasides Number two hit this spring from 'Al Licks' is