Seaside Radio

Seaside Radio Episode Thirteen



Due to the two month strike by the “Maritime Corporate Executive and Luxury Boat Owners Union” we were not able to get our radio ferry to international waters. That meant we could not broadcast our 15 minute audible dispatch to our 14 listeners and someones mum.    We may not have got the dispatch out at all if it wasn’t for Tristan from ‘Tristans Pet and Anchors’. He had a ‘flash sale’ on Gold Danforth Anchors and Miniature Zebras. That seemed to entice 3 luxury boat persons who docked their massive boats and gave enough room for our ferry to get out of the Infamous ‘Starboard Port’.   In this episode we sneak a look at the Infamous “Jims To Die For Resturaunt” where irregular clients, Bob and Betty Boil try to get sick without paying.   We still have brilliant foreign two piece The Seats- who are working off their 21 year community service by playing live every time on our dispatches - it doesn’t sound like it but they are. Good Onya lads   Mr Microphone Ronnie Keith lent us his voice and even unwis