Your Mileage May Vary

Experts: Straight Man Willing To Accept Blowjob From Another Man For $700



This is for certain definitions of the word "experts," which we absolutely are. This episode will make you better or worse at sex, or possibly both, if you're a man. If you're a woman, it will apparently reliably enrage you. Why do you listen then? "To hear what they'll say next." Actually, according to Spotify, something like 46 percent of our audience is trans. The rest are men and "decline to state." So if you're a female and listening to this podcast, you don't actually exist. So, why do we do this at all? Because we can. We're not repressed sexually. And, importantly, we also have all our wits about us, unlike those of you who think you can sweep aside gender roles produced over eons of evolution and reemerge as uncategorizable. Give me a break. I'll put you in categories whether you like it or not. And you'll stay there. Also, no, we're not repressed homosexuals. At least not yet. We're working on it. Oh, and, please keep trying to de-platform us. I'll just move the podcast to a server on Tor. Real smar