Love & Guts

Erin Kyna |Sexual Expression And Sexual Healing



#227 Erin Kyna is a sexuality healer and coach, liberating women to experience their pleasure potential in all areas of life including sex. Her journey has been one of a coach and healer on the path to empowerment for the last ten years, travelling the world, and guiding other women along their path as she follows hers. Erin believes we all have the goddess inside of us. The goddess who is sacred, feminine, powerful, pleasured, insatiable, divine, empowered, free, wild, sensual, confident, and radiant.... It is her pleasure and honour to guide women all around the world to embody their inner goddess and their highest potential in all areas of life, including their sexual potential. In this episode we cover How Erin came to own her voice during sex and pleasure  The impact this has had on her life What power does sexual freedom posses Why do some women struggle with expressing themselves freely, sexually How to overcome blocks to sensuality And so much more