Space Lawyers Podcast

Episode 5: 2001 a Space Podyssey



Trigger Warning: Abuse (while discussing case law)On this weeks episode we discuss 2001: A Space Odyssey (1969), learn about Flag States, self defence laws, and mutiny. Mostly We make a lot of jokes and get distracted by my alleged feud with Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield.Check out Peter Watts' book Blindsight available here: Portion of Commander Chris Hadfield's cover of SPACE ODDITY. Writers. Bowie. Publisher. ESSEX MUSIC INTERNATIONAL, INC.Theme Song by Greg MelchinSpace Lawyers is a Copyright of Adam Norton and Greg Melchin 2017.Corrections: #1 I misspoke; culpable homicide that is not murder (did not intend the death) is manslaughter; Culpable homicide that is murder (intended death) is either second or first degree depending on the state or countries’ criminal laws. #2 Self defence by a computer should not be conflated with battered women's syndrome as there are obvious sociocultural and legal differences; I apologize for trivializing that re