Wood Between Worlds

Madame LaLaurie looks like Kathy Bates as far as I am concerned



It is easy to forget how truly awful a human being can be. In those times, you need only think about such winners as Madame LaLaurie. A New Orleans socialite who did some severely nasty things to her slaves. 1140 Royal Street still stands today as the home where unspeakable acts were committed by this woman. Fabia shares the legend of the woman and the hauntings that occurred after her bitch ass vacated the premises. If you enjoy listening to us ramble on about random topics then you are in luck. After we are finished talking about the evil bitch herself...we talk about some shows we are watching, podcasts that we are listening to, and some fun things we are doing soon.There is also a game of "Guess That Serial Killer!" where Fabia gives random trivia and Candace has to guess which serial killer it applies to. Shoutout to Jess who won our instagram giveaway! She received a iron on patch, some stickers and a letter from yours truly. She is a huge supporter and we love her. One more shoutout to We Are