Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

22 with Caroline Wood: My Business Evolution



When Caroline first left school she did what any of us did – under the caring guidance of her parents, she succumbed to the pressure of pursuing a career that offered safety and a “good income”. This traditional pathway that many of us know so well worked for awhile…. Until that slow sense of recognition of the truth kicked in – “I’m just not happy doing what I’m doing”. Something had to change. After working with a Career Coach, Caroline reconnected to her values, accepted that the Corporate World just wasn’t a great fit anymore, realised that she has something of real value to offer, took a deep breath…. and created a new path for herself, one that connected all the dots of her life and experiences up until then and blended them together in a business that now fills her up from the inside. Accounting and business prowess, a love of food, a desire to build community and natural creativity – these have been the foundations blocks on which Caroline has built “The Ingredients of Business”, an enterprise devoted