Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

28 with Maria Allyn: Become your own SheRo



Maria Allyn was feeling the impact of menopause significantly. It felt like a reckoning of sorts where a cloud descended for some time both physically and emotionally.  She realized the roles she had been playing throughout her life, the roles of wife and mother and employee had buried her authentic self and that is was time to take the steps to reclaim who she was. Midlife was triggering this evaluation, and what do you do when the life you’ve been living is not the life you want? You re-imagine your possibilities and become your own SheRo of course! “There was something internal that was begging to be heard”, says Maria “and so I had to  disconnect, get quiet and reacquaint myself with me”. It was time for a whole new set of beliefs about what was important and what was possible. For Maria this included leveraging her past experiences, upskilling in coaching and creating a business that helps other women step into this new phase of life with clarity, courage and conviction – Midlife mastery was born. This u