Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

30 with Loralee Hutton: Creating Brand YOU



Loralee Hutton was treading the path of corporate success in the dot com era. Immersed in eighty hour work weeks, she was part of the work hard and play hard team and thrived on the camaraderie and sense of achievement. Her experience and expertise then paved the way to starting her own business in software training and she welcomed the anticipated freedom, flexibility and change of pace. Only it didn’t quite work out that way. “My new business grew substantially over the next 4-5 years but I got to the stage where I wished I could fire myself!” says Loralee. That growth had taken her in a direction that she did not really want, and she began to realise how much she missed consulting and client contact. Before she could really unpack this realisation, a significant health challenge changed everything. Sometimes clouds do indeed have silver linings and from this unexpected challenge, a doorway opened on a new direction. Loralee asked herself the question “why can’t I start a business that is just me?”. www.Lor