Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

36 with Angela Raspass: Wholehearted Sales Success



If you are in business, you are in sales and that fact can be decidedly intimidating for many women,. In this episode I briefly cover 6 steps that can help take you from uncertainty and nervousness to clarity and confidence, into the world of Wholehearted Sales Conversations! Why is it that sales can be so tricky for us? I believe there are a few key reasons… Sometimes it’s because we entwine our self-worth with the service we provide and that can tie us up in knots when we need to “sell ourselves”.  Sometimes it’s because we’re not talking to the right people, our most aligned clients, and there is simply not a match between what is needed and what we can offer. Sometimes it’s because we lack a clear structure to guide us through a conversation and so we end up giving so much great advice on the call that there is then no motivation for our client to take the next action, because they’re full! And sometimes it’s because we’re not coming to the call as an Advocate for our potential clients greatest good and a