Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

37 with Erin Elizabeth Wells: How to take charge of your business and life



When you first meet Erin, the thing that you notice almost instantly is her certainty, an air of confidence and focus that is overlaid with a deeply generous soul – she really wants you to have a life that feels expansive, satisfying and easeful and is eager to share her experiences and insights to help you along that path. Her energy is contagious and inspiring and this is one of THE most enjoyable interviews I’ve had the pleasure of hosting on this Podcast. But, like most of us, the path to this place was not linear and was not without its challenges and as Erin points out, she is still “very much on the growth journey”. She, like me, sees this Next Chapter as an evolution, not a revolution. An entrepreneur straight out of college. Erin has an organisers heart, establishing “Living Peace” a professional organizing business in Massachusetts when she was just 23. She grew Living Peace into a significant and successful entity before an intense project had her burn out, hit a wall and experience a breakthrough…