Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

39 with Tanya Geisler: Owning your Authority



The most reassuring and empowering message I heard from Tanya Geisler in this most wholehearted conversation was “if you experience the Imposter Complex that means you’re high functioning with strong values of integrity and mastery”. Because REAL imposters, actual frauds, they don’t feel self-doubt at all as they barge forward with low capabilities but high confidence! But you, me and so many other women stepping into our next chapters, we can get ourselves trapped by perfectionism, leaky boundaries, people-pleasing and diminishing of our accomplishments. And when we do that, all roads lead to the Imposter Complex. It’s pervasive and demoralising. So, what’s the solution? Good old-fashioned awareness. Once you are aware of your patterns you can disrupt them and make new choices. Talk to yourself in a new way. Open up and embrace healthy fear and keep moving steadily towards purpose and own your unquestionable authority in Your Next Chapter. An amazing conversation, an inspiring woman, this is a recipe for you