Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

44 with Angela Raspass: Which balls will bounce?



February is the new January in my world! Or at least that’s the way it has been in 2017… I’ve begun the year a little later than usual and, rather than default to my old patterns of berating myself over what I haven’t done, I’m choosing to embrace what I have and what I will instead. And that means leaning into intuition in 2017 and making some changes. The beauty of having your own Next Chapter business that is often a personal brand is the fact that you get to design, refine and realign it to fit you. That’s the entrepreneurial freedom that is so often referred too. Not necessarily the “laptop lifestyle” where you get to work from anywhere in the world, but the simple ease and joy of making the choices that light you up and serve your clients and community too. And so, after a lengthy “time out” over Christmas and new year, prioritising my family and the changes that are happening in our dynamic, I’m delighted to be back to Podcasting and anticipating a wonderful year ahead! I’m sharing some of the upcoming