Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

46 with Colleen Darby: Artists as Entrepreneurs



Colleen Darby has always been an artist but at a young age she was told that she “needed to earn a living” and so her artistic talent and dreams were put on the back shelf. But strong dreams often have a way of staying around and years later, when her Marketing Director position was rocked by a significant pay cut, she had dinner with her husband and spoke that dream out loud again. Not long later she was an Artist in Residence at a hospital, a next chapter in a long and richly rewarding creative story that still continues today. In 2013 at 50, when her child left for college, and with a personal experience of living through cancer, a painting sabbatical and a new project beckoned… and she responded. Colleen remembered a time when she was an Artist in Residence when a stray comment “such a beautiful day outside” was met with a sad “I wouldn’t know, it always looks the same from here” from the patient. This memory fuelled her passion project - LandEscapes Painting Series - A View for a Room: Transforming Healt