Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

51 with Angella Johnson: Formulas Are Not the Answer



Angella Johnson did all the right things in her business. She followed the formula. Took on board the advice. Implemented like crazy. Soared past the coveted six figures and then some… From the outside looking in you’d think everything was fabulous. But feelings of heaviness and obligation were her reality and burn out and dissatisfaction were the results and she knew there had to be another way. One day Angella asked herself “If I trusted myself, what would I choose here?” And when she truly listened for and opened to her answers – not anyone else’s, the world opened up again. In one of the most energetic and connected conversations I’ve had on this Podcast, Angella shares her perspective on coaching – “empowering people to find their own truth” and the journey she took from following the formula to trusting herself. If you are enjoying this show, please take a moment to review the Next Chapter Podcast in iTunes - your feedback is hugely appreciated and very helpful. If you have not left an iTunes review bef