Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

60 Becoming a profitable artist - Emma Veiga-Malta



Emma had always been drawn to making the world more beautiful. As an artist in Switzerland she taught adults how to paint and completed commissions for her own clients as she raised her children. But when her family moved to Sydney the door to her Next Chapter as flung wide open in ways she could not have imagined.  The GFC hit hard the family hard, as her husband was in the financial industry. Emma found herself needing to transform her hobby and skills into a business entity that could contribute at a higher level. Once she moved through what she described as the “middle class taboo”, the experience of admitting and accepting that “the system” of comfort she had known was no longer available, she took a deep breath, focused, and began to explore how she could generate income in a sustainable way. “I started by looking at how I could transfer my current skills into a new endeavor. I knew the key was to create something useful, something that was really needed by people. My first Next Chapter. Bespoke Chairs,