Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

74 The Unexpected Tech Start-Up CEO - Cas McCullough



“I’d had my fair share of challenges and turning points” said Cas McCullough in our wholehearted conversation. “A life threatening ectopic pregnancy, divorce, children with health issues, work demands, business  trials… It would be easy to stay in victim mode, but I prefer to be a survivor. And after all, drama and ups and down are all part of the human experience aren’t they?”. And that attitude of acceptance, refocus and determination reflects the true core of Cas. She is a shining example of making the decision to choose to smile. To shrug off stories of doubt and intimidation. To choose not to listen to the mind chatter that can try and defeat you. To keep taking action and moving, staying focused on the impact you want to make, not the fears that want to unmake you.  If you’ve ever felt that the road to your own Next Chapter has more than a few bumps and detours, you’ll find both solace and inspiration in this episode that has led Cas  to being the founder and CEO of a innovative tech startup, Writally,