

“We’ve been taught that thin = happy” says Leanne, “and that fads work and there is some perfect or right way to eat”. The trouble is none of this is true! Restriction is not sustainable. A punishment mindset is not sustainable. What is sustainable is trusting ourselves, following our instincts, eating for the joy and love of food!” It’s a relief to chat with Leanne, a health and wellbeing coach for women who is based in Melbourne and encourages women to redefine wellness, what it actually means for you to be a Well Woman. This is a conversation that will get you thinking, moving and eating!   Show Notes   It’s time to design your own Wellness Map – a set of ideas that fit you personally instead of you generically.   What ways of moving bring you joy? Do that. What feels nourishing to eat for you? Eat that. What role will fun play in your life? Enjoy that!   How you can lean into trusting yourself and your instincts and choices? By listening to your body and doing what it tells you! It does speak to you