Hello, Creeps!

Hello, Creeps! Episode 127: I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy Pills



We're going to break away from the usual nonsense we reserve for this space to briefly declare that Hello, Creeps! and our extended family stand fully behind BLM and the movement to annihilate outward and systematic racism in this country. You'll hear a lot about it in the first half of the episode, buy we encourage you to do what you can to contribute to the cause in whatever way you feel fulfills you and raises the community. Here's a quote from Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors" spoken by Dromio of Ephesus that has been stuck in my mind for the past week that is all too applicable: We came into the world like brother and brother, And now let’s go hand in hand, not one before another.   Don't worry, there are still stories about cannibalism and invisibility, along with plenty of dick jokes inside, just pay attention to what's really happening out there.