Square Peg Round Hole Small Business Massive Action

EP 032: Pathways to Business Excellence



Matt Young is a passionate health, recreation and sports servant leader who believes that supporting quality athletic achievement is good for our children, communities and society. He has 25 years of experience in the allied health care sector where he was recognized as one of British Columbia & Canada's Top 40 U 40 business leaders of the year and has 15 years of experience in coaching at the grassroots level. Matt now consults with sports organizations locally, nationally and internationally on physical literacy, long term athlete development resources, and tools and support.   Matt saw a flaw in the system of youth sports and decided to fix it. He shares how his observation of youth sports led him to develop a service which looks beyond traditional success measures for teams and athletes. The idea for his system was born out of a great passion for sport and desire to add value to youth involved in sports. His unique idea and value proposition may give you a thing or two to think about when it comes to