Square Peg Round Hole Small Business Massive Action

EP 033: Taking a Leap to Make Massive Waves in Your Small Business



Monique Mills is the Founder of Making Waves Sailing, a private charter company providing eco-friendly sailing adventures. Her mission is to use sailing to connect her guests to the ocean in the hopes for greater understanding and appreciation of the ocean ecosystem, its inhabitants and conservation. She captains her 46ft yacht through the Windward Islands of the southern Caribbean Sea, island hopping her guests between Grenada and Martinique and has recently expanded her fleet to include a 47’ft catamaran, operating out of Columbia and Panama. Monique tells us the story of how she quit her corporate career to pursue something else. She had no idea what this something else was when she quit but she just knew she wanted something different. She shares how she had many ideas, all of which “terrified” her but how she took charge and turned them into successes. Monique truly lives by her motto, “Dream the impossible dream and then live it” and is an inspiration for anyone who has an idea and may be afraid to take