Mind Gap

Episode 15 - “Your bath water. I’d drink it.”: Online Dating with Sydney Davis Jr. Jr.



Stand up comedian Sydney Davis Jr. Jr. joins Justin and Doug to talk about her experiences in online dating.  The conversation starts out with Doug and Sydney explaining what the regional southern word “cricker” means for Justin.  Sydney talks about how a dirty car is a big red flag for a first date and her parameters for online dating.  Then she tells one of her best worst first date stories.  Justin explains to Doug what it really means to “Netflix and chill.”  The three nerds then talk about how dating will be in the future.  Things are wrapped up with a throw-down between Black Widow vs Catwoman, then Black Widow vs Batgirl, then Black Widow vs Ronda Rousey. Check out Sydney’s website (http://www.sydneydavisjrjr.com/) for all of her performance dates and visit her comic page (http://www.jrjrcomics.com/) and ask her to draw your dog and put it on a mug for Christmas!