Building Newlaw

S03E06: The reasons why legal ops failed to change a BigLaw firm



John Grant has a lot of experience bringing change to law firms – or trying to. As you might expect, John has seen both success and failure in those attempts, and he brings all of those stories to his discussion with Peter Aprile and Natalie Worsfold. He's seen the marketing brochures trumpeting project management tech that only five people are actually using. He's seen the lack of strong executive leadership. He's also seen individual lawyers push a new idea through a whole office, purely on the strength of conviction. In short, he has been exactly where many of our listeners are, and he has wisdom to spare.  CPD   Lawyers that have completed the S03E06 BNL CPD cam claim a 60 minute Professionalism CPD credit.  To access the S03E06 verification examination click this link.