Dynamitegun Dot Com Dot Cast

Week 46 - Tipping on the High Seas



This week Dash and co-host HeartHugs have a date night and you get to listen!  Really we just record a podcast like normal, but it's done on date night.  Those who podcast together stay together, or something like that.  We talk about some of the shows that have failed or passed the Dash Test, cover plans to host a biweekly game night, delve into gateway drugs for First Person Shooters (Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare!), Selfies and the sticks they now come on, mid-season TV returning and Girl Scout cookies.  RIP Samoas, long live Coconut Dreams™! Then we reveal our plans for our 10-year wedding anniversary: a week long cruise to Mexico.  Some fitting review items are sampled, then we close out with an impromptu discussion about the merits of tipping in the service industry. www.dynamitegun.com Instagram @dynamitegun Twitter @dynamitegun twitch.tv/dynamitegun facebook.com/dynamitegun dash16@dynamitegun.com Subscribe!