Dynamitegun Dot Com Dot Cast

Episode 78: Isaiah Creel



This week, I interview the author of the new Survival Horror book The Void Codex. We cover a wide range of issues, including how NOT to write/publish/edit a book, opinions on cashiers talking to you at the store, feeling sorry for veterans, the longest and funniest books we ever read, and as always, I forget a bunch of peoples' names.    Go check out The Void Codex on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/voidcodex and on Amazon at http://amzn.com/B00O17Y50E   Please excuse the poor quality. It seems that for some reason Skype likes to turn your microphone all the way up! Will SOMEONE please tell me why anybody at Skype thought that would be a good idea, for ANY reason? ONE REASON. Please. But, it only ruins about 50% of the show. Budiak@dynamitegun.com Facebook.com/dynamitegun Instagram @dynamitegun Twitter @dynamitegun  iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dynamitegun-dot-com-dot-cast/id894462092?mt=2