The Triple Og Podcast!

Depression Pt1-Ep1 with Alex McEwen & Marco DePrence (A Mental Health Series)



It took a lot for me to become a what I am. And I couldn't be the man I am without being able to learn and understand what life really has to offer us as people. Some of us aren't as fortunate as other when it comes to many things, but one thing that should matter to everyone no matter who or what they are is Mental Health.    Take this journey with me as I explore what really goes on in the mind of the ones that need us to help them, help themselves. My first effort is  2 episodes on Depression.  In Episode 1,  I sit down  with Alex McEwen & Marco Deprence. We dive into what it means to have Depression in this eventful ride.  Thank You to all guest that appear on the show.   All Guest have appeared as a courtesy to The BobbyDollazShow. All pictures, stats, charts, graphs, clip art, quotes, memes, sports videos, sports clips,(etc) are courtesy of Google Search.  I do not own rights to any items or products not associated with Bobby Dollaz, Tailored Money