The Triple Og Podcast!

Depression Ep.2 Covid-19 Depression (Mental Health Awareness)



Welcome to episode 2 of my Mental Health journey. In this episode I have a great conversation with journalist Alex McEwen and Shannon Fersner from (5MinConvo Podcast).  We try to tackle the subject of Covid-19 Depression. After speaking with a few people that caught Covid and recovered from it. I decided to dive into what happens next.  Sit back and enjoy this conversation. Thank You to Autumn Gabrielle (LitLifePodcast) Tamara Dawn(TamaraTheDawn Inc.) and Gloria Miller(KonversationsWitGloPodcast)  for the messages of Encouragement.  Thank You to all guest that appear on the show. Alex McEwen appears as a courtesy to TBDS.  Shannon Fersner appears courtesy of 5minconvo podcast Autumn Gabrielle appears courtesy of Tamara Dawn appears courtesy of Gloria Miller appears courtesy of All pictures, stats, charts, graphs, clip art, quotes, memes, sports videos, sports clips,(etc) are courtesy of Google Search.  I do not own rights