Disruptor Series

Sara Rosinsky is Disrupting Your Grammar - EP 86



"I would actually caution people about 'trying' to sound smart"   With the proliferation of texting, shorthand, and autocorrect, one could argue that grammatical-correctness is at an all time low.  In one of our wittiest and informative episodes yet, author, copywriter and ad industry vet Sara Rosinsky shares memorable tips on how we can all improve how we communicate. While some live by the mantra that 'done is better than perfect', in Sara's world, a grammatically perfect email or text is worth its weight in gold. Her book "Unflubbify Your Writing" provides readers with fun ways to remember tricky spelling, punctuation and grammar rules (some of which we've likely already broken in this description!)    Credits: Hosts - Rob Schwartz & Asha Davis Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett Producer - Rashida Peters Executive Producers - Rashida Peters / Asha Davis Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman