Salty Language

Salty Language Episode 30 - Marinated ankles



In this episode, we rant about The Walking Dead creators fighting over rights, fight over Ghost Rider's rights, Bill Murray to be replaced in Ghostbusters 3?, girl's lunch replaced by school, court clerk looks at porn during rape trial, Monsanto found guilty of poisoning, woman credits big breasts for saving life, Sony raised price on Whiteny's music after death, couple has weird engagement, 74 year old man arrested for prostitution, naked woman role play alerts police, man breaks into apartment and makes chicken, woman gives man antifreeze smoothie, bill would rename Gulf of Mexico, frat boy sues after injury at frat party, smokehouse fire is best smelling fire says firefighter, man tries robbing bank with pies, K-Cup machines gouge consumers, man arrested for allegedly cooking cats, goats change accents based on region, vanity plate cause trouble, our site of the week, our top 5 comic book villians, and more! Subscribe / rate / review us on iTunes!Visit us /