Thirty Days - Your First Dollar - With Ed Dale

Solutions Episode - Scoob - Thirty Days Your First Dollar Episode #12



Episode 12 - Solutions Episode - Scoob What happens when you teach something practical - like how to become a world class Motorcross rider and you want to create an online business. Let's face it - You can't learn to surf by reading about it. I take Scoob through this tricky exercise by using a technique I do with my private clients. It's pretty cool what we come up with... You'll also learn about; Remembering to think like a beginner Markets with money - The power of now being able to do stuff your parents wouldn't let you do when you were a kid! Simplifying your content process. Most people do WAAAAY To much. The Cookie delivery system -What is it, Why you should do it and how it makes your life easier. How to fashion a cookie question. If you want my help just like Scoob - send me an email to with the Subject Line "I Would Love To Be A Guest On Your Podcast" You can grab a copy of my new book for free at Your First Dollar - The Book Enjoy this episode! Ed