Honestly Lisa

082: Takes a Village to Raise a Grown Up feat. Sanyika Street



Your Fans are Waiting - and a spoken word piece at the end--- WHOA! How would you describe yourself? Motivational person who teaches people how to be their best self and love their best self- and their worst self Let's take all this and make something out of it. The best way to describe what i do, is the combination of real tactics and strategies to change your live, to develop your business- primarily through art. Tony Robbins is a huge inspiration.  Identify who you are at the most raw, most honest, and put those pieces together as a mold and create the individual you see.  at 6'8" can seem very intimidating, but he is a sweet heart. The physical represetation of who he is, and the quest to find more transparency in his life. Grew up in DC in "you've got drive throughs, we've got drive bys" "I saw more of the artist in you" as he has gotten to know Lisa. Sanyika hanging out with a friend in a barber shop with his friend who liked to record his thoughts, and the recorder falls out of his pocket and all the g