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From Broke to a Million $ Business in 18 Months with Jennifer McLean | Ep. 25



One minute you’re working in corporate America, and the next you’re thinking about moving into your car just to survive. Just when today’s podversation guest, Jennifer McLean, was about to take the vow of poverty and become a healer, her whole world shifted. She launched Healing with the Masters, grossed a million dollars in just 18 months and never looked back. Listen to how she transformed her belief that “healers can’t make money” into a dream-life leading a heart-centered money-making machine. McLean also gets real about what it means to, um, get real. What tools does she use to stay authentic every day? And how can you get the influential people to promote you and what you do? You’ll even hear an incredible story about The Secret’s Joe Vitale that just might drop your jaw. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->