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What's Newmania and Why Is It Hurting Your Business? | Ep. 35



There is a disease sweeping the nation. I’ve seen it so many times that I had to give it a name. I’m calling it Newmania. Do you have this disease? If you need to have the latest, greatest, most awesome-shiny-new-everything, you probably suffer from Newmania. Is it possible that it is the thing preventing you from creating success in your business? In today’s live episode, I give you the three-part antidote that you’ll need to create a thriving, successful business that’s designed to give back to the people you serve. This antidote goes in direct opposition to today’s popular conventional wisdom. Now to learn what this contrarian business advice is, you’ll just have to listen to this episode. You’ll also get a bonus question round with members of my live audience. Get our awesome YES MAP, the proven blueprint we created to help you turn conversations with potential clients into awesome high-paying clients here -->