Next On The Tee With Chris Mascaro

Inside the Tour Championship, Improve Your Mental Approach, & So Much More...



Top Instructors Tom Patri & Nick Bradley plus Tour Championship with Executive Direct Allison Fillmore, and former Tour Player and now wonderful TV Show Host Charlie Rymer all join me. Tom Patri shares his insights on the Covid vaccination issue, dealing with pressure at the Tour level, Bryson calling out his equipment, Jay Monahan stepping in to end Brooks & Bryson taking jabs at each other, and the potential issues within the US Ryder Cup team. Allison Fillmore takes us inside the Tour Championship. We hear about what it's like putting together an event of this magnitude, what you can expect when you walk through the gates, the awesome responsibility it is to manage an event on the home course of Bobby Jones, and how they give back to the community. Nick Bradley talks about taking Justin Rose from #125 to #5 in the World Golf Rankings, the importance of visualization in your career and the next shot plus, what stoicism is and why it's important. Charlie Rymer was on the ground of Augusta Nationa