Vapor Central

CHCH Ontario Allows Medical Marijuana Smoking And Vaping In Public Places



Medical marijuana users in Ontario are getting a pass in the province’s e-cigarette law. Ontario to allow use of medical marijuana in public places. There was some confusion over whether the exemption applied only to vaping, and not smoking, but Ontario‬ Associate Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, Dipika Damerla explained on Wednesday that both are permitted with a doctor’s approval. “They are consistent with each other.” ‪‎ Today at Queen’s Park, Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath was asked what she would do if she were in a restaurant where someone was smoking medical marijuana, she quipped, “I’ll probably eat more.” Laughing... Horwath went on to say that the province needs to consider Health Canada’s recommendations about medical marijuana use in public places. But Damerla said the legislation that allows for the exemption also permits business owners and employers to “override the exemption.” “As an employer and a restaurant owner, you can say that there is no vaping, no smoking of medical mari