
Criss Angel Hair (with Sean Dengler)



Patrick Hoolihan (Sean Dengler), master pasta historian, joins Mari this week all the way from Italy! He left his family 15 years ago and devoted his life to studying the craft with Chef Maestro in an intricate and extensive program. Patrick shares some of his favorite pasta historical facts, how pasta is made (hint: it’s all about a positive attitude) food and wine pairings for pasta and he reveals that the Pope is also the Protector and Guarder of All Things Pasta. He also ranks his top 5 favorite pastas and they discuss their mutual dislike of elbow pasta. Patrick share stories of when he heard lasagna speaking to him and the time he was gifted pasta from Pope Francis and the Pasta Gods at the top of Mount Killing! He wraps up chatting about his journey to pasta enlightenment and becoming the Pasta Man.