Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

How To Boost Your Sales By Building Service Levels



Have you ever felt frustrated to spend all your time and money marketing your business, only to have people call you who can’t afford your high end offer?  Before you cut your prices, take a look at expanding your service levels to give your clients a reason to say yes at any price point. Join Business Coach Leslie Hassler, from her office in Dallas, Texas; as she shares how stop leaving money on the table in your business.  This episode covers: 1. What clues in your small business tell you that you need service levels? 2. What adding services levels in your business can do for your small business? 3. Examples of Service Levels and How To Use Them In the Sales Conversation 4. Q& A Best Practices Join in on the conversation with us live at Monday 4/11 at 1:30 on this page; or subscribe to the show on BLAB.IM. About Leslie Hassler, Business Coach Leslie Hassler, owner of Your Biz RULES ™ coaches women business owners how to grow their business to be profitable, sustainable and rewarding. As a business growt