Drinks With Josh

Episode 29 - OB/DWJ



Put on your birthday suit and get ready for a visit from your friendly OB/DWJ! In this episode, the boys celebrate the show's first birthday while recording. Josh takes the opportunity to launch an awesome new trivia contest. However, Ben thinks it might be a little too easy. He's also a little concerned that Josh seems insistent on seeing the "lady doctor." Speaking of which, the boys are also concerned at the Southern Hemisphere's lack of participation in the show. Kiwis, you're cool, but the rest of you need to get it together! There's also Josh's "season 2" plans (rated MA-WA???), the laziest Braindead Trivia yet, and you can play a rousing game of "Find the Mr. Show Reference!" In addition, make sure you stop by our site to check out the greatest picture of Josh that ever will be (it's mentioned in the show). It's so worth it. So get ready for awesome and sit back with the "medically proven" new episode of Drinks With Josh!