Drinks With Josh

Episode 30 - A Magical Evening (MM)



Holy crow, DWJ is 30! Josh celebrates the milestone by checking out the Mastodon/Clutch concert where he makes a very suspect purchase. The boys then sit down for a truly magical beverage, yet Ben feels the need to officially declare BS on it. Will it affect the rating? Josh takes the opportunity to give the world a special gift: the WORST SOUND EFFECT OF ALL TIME! The boys also discuss the plethora of superhero movies these days, the unexpected places you can find DWJ content, and Josh's mom. Plus, they welcome a new DWJ "super fan" and show you what you get when you like our show (sorry, Jesse). Of course, there's also some of our patented (well, patent pending) Braindead Trivia and yet another drink review you can trust. Why? Because it comes straight from the Kings of Drink Mountain: Ben and Josh. All this and more in the new episode of Drinks With Josh. Also, you can get our companion video on YouTube at https://youtu.be/I0IYzj3AWo0