Drinks With Josh

Episode 71 - DWJ Christmas V: Kiwi Christmas Caroling (L&P)



Ho ho ho, and other of Ben and Josh's favorite things. It's time for Drinks With Josh's fifth annual Christmas extravaganza! This year, the boys are finally living up to their billing as New Zealand's Favourite Podcast and featuring a true Kiwi Klassik: L&P. It's already widely known as one of Ben's favorites, but will it live up to the hype with Josh? The Aotearoa love continues with some lamington and Bluebird chicken chip chat, but don't worry, you don't need to be a South Pacific expert to join in the festivities. There's also Braindead Trivia, Ben's expectations for Josh's Christmas gift, Santa's secret identity as Michael Jackson, and lots and lots of singing. Plus, the drink experts prove their knowledge in other areas with Salt Lake City travel tips and the best sex advice you've ever gotten. So wrap your ears in the velvety Christmas goodness of Drinks With Josh and make it a truly happy holiday!