Drinks With Josh

Episode 84 - Untitled (Jinro Chamisul Fresh Soju)



The Kings of Drink Mountain return with a second consecutive episode of day drinking as they travel to Korea for some Asian hooch. Josh decides that the name of the show is now forbidden, but seemingly nothing else is, especially as he performs his current tight five. No, not minutes of comedy, minutes of trying to pronounce "euphemism." Meanwhile, Ben laments his life choices as he realizes his true worth is as a translator. It's not as good as it sounds. Dueling Braindead Trivia also makes its second straight appearance and Josh asks a truly insightful, truly inspired, truly magnificent question that requires him to ask it not once, not twice, but thrice. It's THAT powerful. But is the beverage? You'll have to listen to find out. That's kind of the point, after all.