Love & Guts

Leah Hechtman | The Reproductive Microbiome | Legends Revisited



#208 Leah is an experienced and respected clinician who specialises in fertility, pregnancy and reproductive health. She has completed extensive advanced training and is a lecturer, keynote speaker, author and educator. She leads by example, remembering to live life to the fullest and is passionate about educating and empowering women to be their own health advocates.   In this episode we cover; What is the reproductive microbiome The concept of the eco-holobiont and reproductive microbiome The interplay between the various reproductive microbiomes - semen, uterine, endometrial and their role in fertility and conception How we can modify, support and adapt the various microbiomes to support the healthiest next generation How the reproductive microbiome influences the next generation How the reproductive microbiome influences pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding Strategies that clinicians need to address when treating the reproductive microbiome The fascinating role of the oral microbiome and it’s link to many