Achieve Balance Podcast With Dr. Arminta

Episode 003: Chiropractic - Beyond the Back



What is this thing called chiropractic and why does everyone need to be checked? Well we want to start from the beginning.  Just 17 days after your parents came together to create you, you being to form something called the neural streak which develops into your brain and you spinal cord.  Everything in your body is connected to this system.  Your Nervous system controls, coordinates and adapts the human body to its environment. Your brain and spinal cord are protected by bone; the skull, 24 moveable vertebra, the sacrum, and 2 Illum’s which make up your pelvis.  This system needs to be well maintained to have health.  Learn how chiropractic is beyond your back pain and how it is essential to optimal function and adaption to your environment.  Listen while Dr. Arminta teaches on her favorite topic CHIROPRACTIC!!