Stupid Human Suits

Unbearable Grief, Unimaginable Resilience (with Katie O'Leary Logan)



Normally our intros casually reference the SHS name as a way to let you know which aspect of consciousness, perspective or mortality we'll be discussing. This week though, we can't tip you off ahead of time. Instead, we're issuing the following warning. DO NOT START THIS EPISODE UNLESS YOU'RE READY TO COMMIT TO THE WHOLE DAMN THING. That sounds like a joke. It's not. This week's episode with Katie O'Leary Logan seems like it's going to be a fun, silly ride with an engaging personality and maybe at worst we'll wind up talking about someone's ---- getting stuck in a zipper. Wow no. It gets rough and gets rough fast. That's why in the body of the podcast itself, we'll warn you when we're about to shift into cry gear. Stay from start to finish though please. Katie's story and resilience deserve to be heard and appreciated without you getting up to eat pretzels or fill out your spreadsheets or whatever it is you normally do when you listen to SHS. More importantly, if you've been through anything similar, well