More Patients. More Impact. More Income

How to Continuously Attract Patients On Autopilot



When you have a burning passion for helping people, nothing is worse than not being able to fulfill your mission. While choosing the path of being a holistic practitioner is one big step for your mission, you need to take step two: Attract patients. If you find attracting patients difficult, you’ll love this episode. In this episode, you’ll learn why so many practitioners have a tough time getting new clients and how to leverage the “lighthouse effect” to get patients on autopilot. Show highlights include: - 2 things you need to know before you can have a successful practice. (6:30) - 3 characteristics any natural healer needs, which too few people have. Do you have them? (8:40) - Why lighthouses stand on bedrock foundations, not on the beach—and what that means to your practice. (9:20) - Why nobody cares about your dress, your certifications or your credentials. (10:50) - Any holistic practitioners REAL no.1 job. (12:15) - The no. 1 skill you need to leverage the “lighthouse effect” and attract more patients