Misandry With Marcia And Rae

A Nonviolent Coup



Happy Labor Day! And welcome back to the final wave of feminism. Find us on Twitter: @MisandryWithMR Facebook: @MisandrywithMarciaandRae  Instagram: @misandrywithmarciaandrae and e-mail us: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com  #MisandrywithMR And don't forget to join our FB Group, The Militia in the Woods! THIS WEEK IN THE MATRIARCHY: Rae is back! And we discuss: Hurricane Harvey (a list of good places to donate http://deadline.com/2017/09/hurricane-harvey-charity-donations-warning-tips-1202157862/.) Tragedy porn. Exploited victims & people being used as props. FLOTUS. Lady Vonka and the equal pay data rule. ("sorry, it just won't work lol) YOU HAVE BEEN COURT MARTIALED FOR YEARS, THE MILITIA WILL FIND YOU. Asking for more. Trevor Noah. #CRUSHMENMONDAY L'OREAL. https://www.facebook.com/munroebergdorf/posts/1574703922551083?pnref=story