Integrate To Influence - The Integrated Marketing Podcast

[ITI0008] 12 reasons WHY you should use Email Marketing (Series - Part 1 of 6)



I recently delivered a half day workshop in Essex for a group of Business Owners at their monthly Mastermind Meetings to discuss email marketing and why they should be using it in their marketing mix of activities. The presentation is called "How to INFLUENCE using Email Marketing"... It went down very well, received some great feedback from the orgainiser and the delegates. Over the last 2 months I have been asked more and more questions about email marketing so I have decided to break down the half day workshop in to 6 parts to make it more manageable and to give me enough time to talk about each topic. This podcast is for those who don’t currently use Email Marketing AT ALL and those who dabble by sending something every now and again... I’m sure this Email Marketing Series will get you excited about how YOU can influence using it with your clients...