Your First Thousand Clients With Mitch Russo

Michael Gerber On The Critical Ingredients Enabling Success



Michael Gerber is a legendary business expert and speaker who wrote the most powerful book about business, The E Myth. Inc Magazine names Michael as “the world’s #1 small business Guru” who is still awakening entrepreneurs today through his course based on his newest book: Beyond The E-Myth. At the age of 80, Michael still personally leads his advanced program; The Dreaming Room, that is being held throughout the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.In this episode, we will be discussing: Michael’s past that led him to the idea of The E MythSelling as a systemThe true definition of businessNecessary elements for a successful business: dream, vision, and purposeThe hierarchy of growthHealthy economic capabilityHow The E Myth altered real livesThe Dreaming Room™ and how you can be transformed by getting involvedLegacy in relation to enterpriseThe eightfold path to successOutcome of being a true entrepreneurThe “big conclusion,” product and salesThe client fulfillment systemResources Men