Your First Thousand Clients With Mitch Russo

Live the Life of Your Dreams By Investing To Generate Passive Income with Lane Kawaoka



Can you imagine earning but not having to go to work each day and retiring at the age of 32 and living the life of your dreams? Lane Kawaoka was living the linear path, going to college, graduating with an engineering degree from the University of Washington, and getting a day job in the corporate world as dictated by the status quo. Renting out his Seattle home got him started on real estate investing at the age of 22. Fast forward ten years, Lane is enjoying passive streams of income from investing. He’s now offering a powerful master class to help working professionals like him generate passive income and have the freedom to do what they want. Work towards your goals by taking advantage of the financial education he’s crafted from his experience with Main Street investments.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Your First Thousand Clients Community today:mitchrusso.comMitch Russo LinkedIn