Cox And Friends

Scandinavian Days in Ephraim, five "on-the-rise" Utah companies, revisiting the Scofield Mine disaster, and Game of Thrones???



Lt. Governor, Spencer Cox, is joined by a few of the friends to talk about Scandinavian Days, some of the events that will take place over the weekend in Ephraim and some of the history surrounding the festival. We also break out a new segment of Owen Fuller's 'Tech Time', in which we take a look at the five most "on-the-rise" Utah companies. Then we discuss some obscure Utah history, including the Scofield Mine disaster and how it devastated the community. After that, we talk about what the state is doing to help coal communities combat the surge of technology and economic shifts, as well as, how the changing demographics of the two major parties can be seen in Carbon County. Lastly, we touch on the controversial Game of Thrones series finale and the best aspects of this year's NBA Playoffs. See for privacy information.